Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wants of the Week

I've decided to chronicle my obsessive need for things which I probably do not need at all. Generally these are items related to my propensity toward devotion to nostalgic childhood memories. Or 80's cartoons. The 1980's were the best 60 days of my life after all.

1. Sailor Moon

To be honest, I'm not even sure I watched all of this as a kid but I vividly remember Sailor Moon. Gotta laugh at the dodgy transformations too; the amount of upskirt puts sex and the shitty to shame. Sailor Jupiter was the shizzzzz.

2. Deutschland Deutschland uber alles.

I'm obsessed with this country for some reason. I also like the fact that it includes lots about imperialism.

3. Napoleon

The man, not the fine Animal Farm creature. The man and his wars specifically. I know nothing about him save what Abba have told me.

4. 101 purebred Oz wannabes

Probably one of my ultimate childhood memories and most likely the film that inspired my love of all things canine. The fact that my dog's mum was a dalmatian and consequentially he looks like a dalmatian on the legs of a corgi may also have something to do with it.

5. The first film I ever saw in the cinema

I was about three/four and eating a green apple when mum came in twenty minutes after the film had started. Gotta love Bageera. Terrified the life out of me, precisely why it's a classic kids movie.

6. Ridiculously expensive item no.1 or . even more ridiculously expensive item no.2

My Tiffany & Co. charm is seriously lonely.

7. Speaks for itself..

8. I've heard this book is awesome

I really need to stop with the books.

9. But evidently I won't

This is supposed to be really good too!

10. A nice lie in.

Dad's woken me up at nine every morning this week.

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