Sunday, August 1, 2010

The most annoying Disney tune proves ridiculously true.

When Facebook ran a 'six degrees of separation' experiment a while back, I pretty much brushed it aside. I highly doubted that by clicking through six profiles I could come to someone I knew. How wrong I was.

Take going to college for example. When I first set foot in UCD in 2008, little did I realise that practically every friend I would make would be somehow connected to me through someone else. Then I got a job in River Island back in 2009 and found I had connections through friends in common to about 75% of the staff there. Second year in UCD resulted in another new wave of friendships which oddly enough, were yet again somehow linked to previous ones.

Now I'm starting work in a new job and yes, indeed, I've already met members of staff who have connections to old friends of mine. A girl I grew up with but rarely saw past the age of 12, works for the company I'm going to be working for. It's really rather amusing that based on a college course, home town or secondary school you can merely ask someone 'do you know...?' and about 7 times out of 10 you'll get a positive result.

It pains me to say I'll be stuck with this damn song in my head all night, but it really is a small world after all.

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