Tuesday, August 3, 2010

ooh emm jee.

There is always that one girl you know, who on a night out who will plant herself beside you and comment upon you how 'like totally amazing' you look. Then she'll divulge how 'amazing' it is that she hasn't seen you in 'like, forever'. The realisation that she's either never been introduced to the one that's one too many, or pilled off her head, will eventually hit home. She'll then become distracted by one of your male friends who she knows she can convince to buy her a drink; she may take the easy route and just convince him to give her his. Then an item of his clothing (generally the scarf or hat, particularly in the winter months) will become her new plaything for the night. She'll throw on this new accessory, blag a cigarette from another of the lads in the group and convince one of the girls to come to the bathroom with her.

Her night out is paid for by everyone but herself.

The sad thing is that each and every one of us can probably think of one girl we went to school with who has become that girl. Either that or one of us is that girl.

Sad really.

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