Friday, July 22, 2011

Ignorance is bliss... or is it?

The series of events which occurred today in Norway was truly harrowing. However, the series of reports which spread across the international media in the aftermath of the bombing and shooting was far more disturbing.

Hvil i fred

At no juncture did any evidence which could link Islamic extremists to the attacks emerge, yet every single newscaster talked of NOTHING but Islamic links. It proved nothing short of LAZY journalism.

The world has hit an all-time low. I remember once being told that World War Three would have some link to the 'sword of Allah'. As far as I'm concerned we've already launched a world war on innocent Muslims, charging them with all the wrongs of the world and jumping to conclusions about them with little care for the consequences of our actions.

Ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is dangerous more like it.

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