Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Your Masters Choice

I'm currently debating whether or not to start reading for my MA in Journalism.

I'm not sure that there really is much that I CAN read for it at the moment but I've found myself browsing through the old curriculum and checking book deals on Amazon. I have a feeling that despite my best intentions I will fail to engage in anything mildly academic any time soon.

Falling asleep on the sofa has become my forté, a fact which indicates that perhaps now is not the best time to be getting into any serious reading. I am absolutely living for this weekend and my trip to Galway to sleep, enjoy some free time and just relax in a totally different atmosphere! I want to forget the world, forget the drama and just enjoy the summer.

I've bought The Princess Bride, the original book which inspired the film and I can't wait to start reading it. I think it may be my companion for the train journey as doubtless my lovely fellow traveller will find it easy to drift off into the land of nod.

Yum. Westley.

My name is Inigo Montoya You kill my father.. prepare to die :P

Then again, maybe I should read a book for my Masters?

Decisions, decisions.

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